Khaadya Sansthaan Exam Date Notice 2081

As mentioned in the budget speech of the Government of Nepal for the Fiscal Year 2075/076 BS, Nepal Food Corporation will form a national supply company in by merging with a national trading company.  As per the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Government of Nepal dated 2076/02/10 to form a “Food Management and Trade Company Limited” as a new government company by merging the National Trading Limited established on 2018/12/18 BS and Nepal Food Corporation established on 2031/08/17 BS. The “Food Management and Trading Company Limited” has been formally established by registering in the company register office on 2076/04/28 BS.

To be established as a competent business entity that can play the role of market maker in easy and accessible supply of essential consumer goods including food.

To be established as a commercially competent institution by playing the role of market maker in easy and accessible supply of essential consumer goods and services including quality food in a competitive environment by contributing to the food security of food crisis affected areas and deprived people.


  • Help to ensure food security.
  • To play the role of market maker so that farmers’ products and indigenous industries can be encouraged and consumers can get essential goods a competitive price and quality easily.
  • To earn a sustainable income by making maximum use of available resources and expanding and diversifying business activities.
  • To provide necessary assistance for policy making by preparing a statistical basis of demand and supply of essential goods and services.
  • To make the company business-oriented and accountable.

(A) Under the objective of contributing to ensure food security:

  • To have safe storage facilities in strategic locations and effective stock management to be used during the food crisis that may arise in the country and to maintain the required amount of buffer stock for national food security and SAARC food security.
  • Strengthening the distribution system for food security in the food crisis areas of the country and the needy people, transporting the essential food items to the respective places / areas in time and selling or supplying them.

(B) To play the role of market maker with the objective of encouraging the production of farmers and indigenous industries and allowing consumers to get the essential commodities at competitive price and quality easily and easily:

  • To procure and procure food and other items required for food security, to be kept in safe storage, to be used for price stabilization and for business purposes.
  • Arrangements will be made to keep the modern warehouses rented till the farmers’ products get the expected price and the company will buy the goods kept in such warehouses if the farmers are not able to sell them.
  • Secure storage of food and other items available with the company by cutting / producing or processing / packaging, maintaining quality.
  • To make arrangements to sell, distribute or supply the food and other goods of the company to the consumers at competitive or fair prices.
  • To identify the goods of comparative advantage produced according to the geographical and climatic diversity and to market and sell them.
  • To coordinate and cooperate with the Department of Commerce, Supplies and Consumer Protection and government agencies such as Nepal Oil Corporation, Salt Traded Company and Dairy Development Corporation related to the supply system in order to keep the supply system of essential commodities in the country smooth and balanced.

(C) With the objective of earning sustainable income by making maximum use of available resources and expanding and diversifying business activities:

  • To prepare and preserve up-to-date details of immovable property such as real estate owned by the company and to make arrangements for regular and sustainable income by making maximum use of appropriate methods (including public-private partnership).
  • To increase the capacity of the warehouses by maintaining and rebuilding the dilapidated warehouses.
  • To identify food or other items of potential comparative advantage for sale or export and to trade the goods or services of such areas by identifying the areas which have not entered or can not enter the private sector.
  • Emphasis on business diversification and continuous marketing with emphasis on time-relevant packaging and branding.
  • To develop a suitable network to sell and distribute the products of its brand in the national and international market.
  • Using e-commerce, opening a subsidiary, expanding business, expanding business activities by promoting business activities by taking franchise or agency of reputed company or commodity as per the need and increasing income.

(D) Under the objective of providing necessary assistance for policy making by preparing a statistical basis of demand and supply of essential goods and services:

  • To keep records of production and import, demand and supply and price status of essential goods and services in the country geographically or provincially or district wise.
  • To direct/conduct its business on the basis of production and import of essential goods and services, demand and supply and study of price situation and available data.
  • To provide suggestions and assistance to the concerned Ministry in formulating, implementing and evaluating the national supply and trade policy and plan and in determining the price list of essential goods and services, including food.

(E) Under the objective of making the company business-oriented and accountable

  • To make the provincial structure conducive, up-to-date, business-oriented, agile and accountable.
  • To make or improve the necessary policies, rules or regulations, procedures, directives to establish itself as a full-fledged business and professional enterprise by competing with the private sector.
  • To increase the capacity of the employees of the company, to get it done and also to take the services of the experts in the thematic field as per the need.
  • Continue to study, research and explore new technologies for business success and follow international best practice as needed.
  • To take/give necessary assistance in the interest of the company by increasing the contact with international organizations in the field related to the main field of work of the company.
  • To make the company an accountable competent business entity by using information technology in its operations, strengthening the internal control system and strengthening good governance.

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