CTEVT Free Training in Nepal 2080
With the tremendous natural beauty,cultural heritages,famous tourist sites, beautiful hills, Panauti has always made it’s own identity as a beautiful cultural city of our country.Panauti is very famous for jatras,makar mela(take place once in 12 years) Indreshwar mahadev, Bhadrakali,Badrinath,Kedarnath etc.It was originally a small state given by king Bhupatintra Malla as a dowry to his sister.
Panauti municipality was founded in 2053 magh 11 BS with 12 wards with an area of 118.09 square kilometers.It lies at an altitude of 1340-2782 m with latitude of 27˚ 35’ and longitude of 85˚ 30’.The city experiences the maximum temperature of around 32 degree celcius to minimum of 0 degree celsius with an average rainfall of 1200 mm.
The town has a population of around 56329.The main source of income is agriculture.Potato,paddy,orange,milk etc are the main agricultural products.Besides these people have taken small scale industries, business,animal husbandary as the source of income.Altough the municipality is facilitated with some basic infrastructures, however an organized and full development of infrastructures has not yet reached upto the people.