November 15, 2021
RBB Preparation – Level 4 and Level 5 Common Topics
Rastriya Banijya Bank Level 4 and Level Common Topics based on the new syllabus.
First Paper : Banking, Accounting and Computer ( IT )
Section ( A ) Banking :
- Introduction of bank and development of banking sector in Nepal
- Banking development in Nepal, Recent Status and Challenges
- Classified banking system ( A,B,C and D )
- Customer oriented banking service
- Client Protection Principle
- Know Your Customer ( KYC )
- Types of deposit
- Loan
- Loan Classification and Loan Loss Provision
- Remittance
- Cheque, Drafts, Letters of Credit, Debit/Credit card, Electronic Transfer, Branchless banking system ( BLB ), ABBS, ATM, Mobile
Baking - General concept of share, debenture and bonds
- Functions of commercial banks
- Role of RBB in Economic and Banking Development of Nepal
- Functions of Nepal Rastra Bank
Section ( B ) : Banking Laws
- Nepal Rastra Bank Act, 2058
- Bank and financial institution act, 2073
- banking Offence and Punishment Act,2064
- Anti Money Laundering Act,2064
- Negotiable Instrument Act,2034
- Company Act, 2063
- Income Tax Act,2085 and Income Tax Regulation, 2034
Section ( C ) : Accounting System
- Account : Introduction and its objectives
- Double Entry System and its functions
- Trial Balance
- Profit and Loss Account
- balance sheet
- Auditing and its importance
- Financial statement of commercial banks its major headings
Section ( D ) : Internal Control System
- Inventory management and its system
- fixed assets and depreciation
- capital and capital fund of banks and financial institutions
- challenges of banking sector
Section ( E ) : knowledge on computer / IT
- windows
- word processing system
- excel
- computer operating system ( DOS, Windows, LINUX, UNIX )
- Database management system : data, information and database, types of database, date security.
- NRB, IT policy and IT guidelines
- internet, intranet, extranet, internet service and e-mail system
Second Paper : management, math and service related
Section ( A ) : management
Section ( B ) : Office Management
– Letter Writing and correspondent
– Tippani
– Record management
– filing
– Indexing
– Office Layout
Section ( C ) : Human Resource Management
Section ( D ) : Service Related
Thanks for Reading.
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