RBB Preparation – Level 4 and Level 5 Common Topics

Rastriya Banijya Bank Level 4 and Level Common Topics based on the new syllabus.

First Paper : Banking, Accounting and Computer ( IT )

Section ( A ) Banking :

  1. Introduction of bank and development of banking sector in Nepal
  2. Banking development in Nepal, Recent Status and Challenges
  3. Classified banking system ( A,B,C and D )
  4. Customer oriented banking service
  5. Client Protection Principle
  6. Know Your Customer ( KYC )
  7. Types of deposit
  8. Loan
  9. Loan Classification and Loan Loss Provision
  10. Remittance
  11. Cheque, Drafts, Letters of Credit, Debit/Credit card, Electronic Transfer, Branchless banking system ( BLB ), ABBS, ATM, Mobile
  12. General concept of share, debenture and bonds
  13. Functions of commercial banks
  14. Role of RBB in Economic and Banking Development of Nepal
  15. Functions of Nepal Rastra Bank

Section ( B ) : Banking Laws

  1. Nepal Rastra Bank Act, 2058
  2. Bank and financial institution act, 2073
  3. banking Offence and Punishment Act,2064
  4. Anti Money Laundering Act,2064
  5. Negotiable Instrument Act,2034
  6. Company Act, 2063
  7. Income Tax Act,2085 and Income Tax Regulation, 2034

Section ( C ) : Accounting System

  1. Account : Introduction and its objectives
  2. Double Entry System and its functions
  3. Trial Balance
  4. Profit and Loss Account
  5. balance sheet
  6. Auditing and its importance
  7. Financial statement of commercial banks its major headings

Section ( D ) : Internal Control System

  1. Inventory management and its system
  2. fixed assets and depreciation
  3. capital and capital fund of banks and financial institutions
  4. challenges of banking sector

Section ( E ) : knowledge on computer / IT

  1. windows
  2. word processing system
  3. excel
  4. computer operating system ( DOS, Windows, LINUX, UNIX )
  5. Database management system : data, information and database, types of database, date security.
  6. NRB, IT policy and IT guidelines
  7. internet, intranet, extranet, internet service and e-mail system

Second Paper : management, math and service related

Section ( A ) : management

Section ( B ) : Office Management
– Letter Writing and correspondent
– Tippani
– Record management
– filing
– Indexing
– Office Layout

Section ( C ) : Human Resource Management

Section ( D ) : Service Related

Thanks for Reading.

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