Gandaki Pradesh Loksewa Prabidhik Sahayak (Praa Sa) Shikshaa Sewa Syllabus
Gandaki Pradesh Loksewa Aayog Prabidhik Sahayak (Praa Sa) Shikshaa Sewa (Education Service) Full Syllabus.
Gandaki Pradesh Loksewa Aayog Shikshaa Sewa Prabidhik Sahayak Syllabus. Province Public Service Commission, Gandaki Province has published syllabus of Prabidhik Sahayak Post of Education Service.
click to the below Link to open Syllabus and download PDF in your mobile or computer.
Link : Click here to view and download
Province Public Service Commission, Gandaki has published syllabus of Technical Assistant ( Prabidhik Sahayak) of Education Service Level Five. Exam is divided into two parts. First part is written exam . In writen exam 50 multiple choise questions are asked. And final exam is interview .
You can visit our YouTube channel “GK iQ Loksewa Plus” for video of Syllabus.
Syllabus includes the following topics:
- Introduction of Education : Meaning and Importance of education, Types of Education : Formal, Non Formal and Extra.
- Child Development : Introduction of human development, features of childhood to young age at 19.
- Process and theory of Learning : Introduction of Learning, Learning methods used in teaching ,
- Plans of Educational Instructional or education : rural municipality ( village ) and municipality ( cities )educational plans, school development plans, yearly working plans for the development of education,
- Teaching ways and instruments
- Study of School Education Syllabus
- Educative Evolution and Exam
- Classroom Management, Educative Foundation and Others
- Educational information management system
- Teacher Management and development ( School, Rural Level and Province )
- Education in emergency condition
- Arrangement, Implementation and imitation in educational plan
- Alternative System in Teaching
- History of Educational and important educational events
- Development era in education
- Educational programmes
- National Education System planning, etc
- Education in Periodic Plan
- Education related national programmes
- and many more topics related to Laws and Policies.
- Office management and operation :
Introduction to Letters : objectives, functions, types, priority
record management : objectives, functions, types and importance
Filing : types and importance
Tippani : things to be considered while making tippani, importance of tippani and its important in offices.
According to the constitution of Nepal,2072 Article 244 states that there should be Province Public Service in all Province of Nepal.
There are seven provinces in Nepal. All province should established its public service commission according to the article 244 of the constitution of Nepal. Pradesh 1, Pradesh 2, Bagmati, Gandaki, Lumbini, Karnali and Sudurpakshim Province has already established its Province Public Service Commission. There are 308 article, 35 bhaag and 9 anushuchi in the current constitution of Nepal.
All province loksewa aayog are going to open vacancies for the various post for province and local level offices of the province. As per that Public Service Commission Gandaki has also open vacancy for the technical assistant post of education service. This post is very useful for the development and making plans for the development of education. Local level government has authority to make plans and policies for the development of education upto primary level ( class 8 ).
Thanks for visiting and reading.
Khai ta 5th level ko general nursing ra phn ko sallybus
Thank you sir for your help